Christian Resolve & Reconciliation

Resolve works to explain, promote and plant reconciliation so
God’s glory may increasingly become manifest in His Church.

2 Corinthians 5:16-21  

About Us

CONTENT –  Background  –  Who we are  –  Statement of Faith  –  The Board


CMAS (Christian Mediation and Arbitration Service) was founded & affiliated to International Christian Chamber of Commerce (‘ICCC’) in the early 1990s, responding to the NEED to resolve disputes without going to court
outlined in 1 Corinthians 6
The principal focus was initially on resolving commercial disputes between businessmen in a biblical manner.
CMAS started encouragingly in the late 1990s, but later the level on work dropped and it was renamed Resolveand activity revived.    Since then, the volume of requests have been somewhat erratic although our record in successful mediation outcomes was outstanding.     However, in recent years, the number of requests for Mediations has dropped off and in order to try and understand why, we undertook some detailed research.
The results revealed just how most Christian businesses, church organisations, groups and individuals were:-
1.  Resorting to settling disputes via secular LAW, rather than
      using biblical principles. 
2.  Lacking teaching and understanding of the need to use
      biblical dispute principles.
3.  Following what the world was experiencing in the growing
      levels of DISUNITY – linked to the break down in
      relationships and the pressures on families, business, etc.

We see it as essential
tounderstand the times’ & what the Bible saysabout the future, taking seriously what it means to be a Christian, encouraging & assisting one another to respond to conflictBIBLICALLY & Be RECONCILED .

Who we are

Resolve is a non-profit company limited by guarantee (not a charity). Administered by a Board of Directors, drawn from different backgrounds, professions & church denominations. 
  Resolve is able to call on persons from a number of different
 areas of expertise and experience who may be appointed to act as
 mediators or arbitrators according to the nature of the dispute.


It seeks to serve all Christians and others regardless of faith position wherever disputes cannot be resolved through the local church or
individuals known to the parties.
  1.  The principal purpose of Resolve is to assist in the
    biblical resolution of disputes between Christians and others in reconciling the parties by providing advice, mediation and, if necessary, arbitration
  2.  Christians for the purposes of Resolve are all believers who recognise and publicly confess the Trinity of one God, Father of Jesus Christ whose virgin birth, divinity, atoning death for the salvation of mankind, bodily resurrection and Lordship are the foundation of their faith.
  3.  It is a fundamental principle of Resolve that reconciliation between the parties shall be pursued at all stages of any dispute.

Statement of Faith

        We believe:

  • In the unchanging and infallible word of God as laid down in the Bible – which we consider to be the truth for all mankind and for all time and sufficient for all matters of faith and conduct. 
  • That there is one eternal God in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • In the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, atoning death, bodily resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father and in His return in glory and power.
  • In the good purposes of God exemplified in the creation order, that humankind is made in the image of God but that humankind’s sin has affected every area of life.
  • That the penalty for sin is eternal death, that salvation is by grace through faith alone, and that faith without works is dead.
  • That faith in Jesus involves personal repentance and trusting in him for forgiveness of sins. 
  • That personal regeneration by the Holy Spirit is necessary for the salvation of sinful humankind and for believers to live godly lives.
  • In the resurrection of the saved and the lost, the saved to eternal life and the lost to eternal damnation. 
  • That prayer is powerful, and that God the Holy Spirit works through prayer to change hearts and minds so the will of God is done on earth as in heaven.  
  • That the church as the body of Christ is called to fulfil the Great Commission, to strive for the unity of the Holy Spirit and to live out the truth of the Gospel in words and in practical service. 
  • That Christian believers should be filled with grace and forgive others and while judging actions, should not judge non-believers personally. 
  • In the free expression of the Christian faith in words and conduct and that people are free to accept God or reject him.
    It is permissible for Christians to disobey governing authorities when they are commanded to do what God forbids in his Word or are prevented from doing what God commands in his Word.

The Board

Roger G Ball
Previously UK ICCC President
Originally in Banking, IT and
family run Intl. business
Grahame H T Scofield (FCCA)
Financial Adviser & Accountant
Advises many charities and Not for Profit organisations
from a Christian perspective
David Tidy
Pastor & Intl. Prayer Reconciler
Teaches Intercessory Prayer Action, spiritual warfare
and National Reconciliation
Philip Quenby
Originally partner in Intl. Law firm
Writer, Filmmaker and Historian of British History
 from a Christian perspective